নবীর নিষ্পপত্ব
নবীর নিষ্পপত্ব |
৬৭. ইবনু হিশাম ১/১৮৬; আর-রাহীক ৫৯ পৃঃ; সীরাহ ছহীহাহ ১/১১১; মা শা-‘আ ১৬ পৃঃ ।
৬৮, বুখারী হা/১৬৬৪; মুসলিম হা/১২২০।
৬৯, তাবারাণী কাবীর হা/৪৬৬৮; হাকেম হা/৪৯৫৬, ৩/২১৬; সনদ ছহীহ।
৭০, মুসলিম হা/৩৪০; বুখারী ফত্রসহ হা/৩৬৪-এর আলােচনা দ্রষ্টব্য।
Prophecy of the Prophet:
Scholars agree that all prophets were sinless. And before and after the last Prophet Muhammad (sm) became a prophet, he was free from all disbelief and after receiving revelation, he was also free from the intention of Kabira Gainah. Deliberately goats were permissible. It is clear from their statement that he was infallible before he attained prophethood from Kufr and Kabira Ganah. For example, (1) he never stayed in Muzdalifah with the Quraish during the Hajj. Rather, he stayed in Arafat with others. Seeing him there, Jubayr bin Mutb'im was surprised and said, ‘By Allah! He is the son of Hums. What happened to him that he is staying here? (2) He never touched the idol. Once he went to the Ka'bah with his free slave Zayd bin Harithah. Was circumambulating. When Zayed touched the idol at that time, he forbade him. The second time Zayed touches another statue to confirm the ban on the subject. He forbids her again. From then until his prophethood, Zayd never touched the idol. He swore that Rasulullah (sm) never touched the idol. Finally, Allah honors him by sending revelation. ” (3) Rasulullah (sm) never ate the meat of an animal dedicated to an idol or any meat on which the name of Allah was not mentioned '(Bukhari Fathsah H / 5499). (4) At the suggestion of Uncle Abbas, he took off his clothes and put them around his neck while carrying stones from a distance during the reconstruction of the Ka'bah. As a result, he immediately lost consciousness. Then when he regained consciousness, he told him to tie his pajamas tightly '(Bukhari, Muslim). Although the matter was not a matter of shame at that time. Ibn Hazar al-Asqalani, in his discussion of the hadith, says that it proves that Allah protects His Prophet from all evil deeds before and after his prophethood. (5) Allah has forgiven all the sins before and after him (Bukhari H / 6410). So he was the innocent Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) (may Allah bless him and grant him peace!).
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